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One thing we have noticed at SHS recently is that our customers are increasingly concerned about inflation and the economy.  For those who are looking for an investment they can trust, solar may be a great option. But first, the disclaimer: we aren’t financial advisors at SHS, we are solar professionals. But facts are facts, and we think it is a smart way to invest in your home and your energy future.

Main Selling Point

Solar will save you money every month on your electricity bill. Putting solar on your roof is like owning your own power plant, and you are going to make your own power cheaper than you would buy it from the power company. The end result means that, for example, Joe buys a 25k system after claiming his 30% Federal Tax Credit. If he was going to buy the same power from the power company over the life of the system (25 years), it would end up costing him 45k. So 25k gets Joe 45k of a product he knows he is going to use – electricity. Joe and his family have an EV, 4 TVs, and a multitude of other appliances and devices in their house that use electricity. The average U.S. household consumes about 11,000 kWh per year, and rising. In the same way that stocking up on a year’s supply of paper towels from Costco saves Joe money in the long term, “pre-buying” his electricity with solar is a great hedge against rising electricity costs.

#2 Reason to Install Solar

What is less known is the #2 reason solar is a great investment in your home and energy future: the immediate value-add to your home.  By many estimates, solar raises the value of a home by roughly the cost of the system. Estimates vary widely, but overall there is no doubt that homebuyers find value in buying a house with solar, especially modern solar with sleek, high efficiency panels, and an integrating monitoring app, like the ones SHS installs for our customers.

Think about it:  when appliances are included in a new home, those appliances add value.  Solar is no different.  Even better, with today’s solar monitoring systems and available data, a potential buyer will know exactly how much power they can expect their new solar system to generate in the future.  That would be like knowing exactly how many loads of laundry a washing machine has left when you buy it (if only!).

Between saving money on your electricity and adding value to your home, solar is proving itself a great investment for our customers in the Carolinas. Click here to learn more about solar panel installation and contact us today for a free quote!