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Solar Installation in Charlotte, NC Has Never Looked So Good

We can install multiple types of solar systems and products, making it easy to give your home the type of solar panels your Charlotte home needs!

The Advantages of Solar Power 

Step into a brighter, greener future with SHS’s cutting-edge solar solutions. Experience reduced electric bills and increased home value through solar panel installation.

Learn more about the advantages to going solar:
1) Potential homebuyers value solar panels, meaning that if you intend to sell your house in the coming years, adding solar panels could lead to a noticeable uptick in its value.
2) In 2022, Congress has enacted an extension of the federal solar tax credit, granting a 30% credit for all installations between 2022 and 2032. These credits are slated to diminish from 2033 onwards and will expire entirely in 2035, unless renewed. To leverage these credits and minimize the expense of your solar panel system, consider strategizing your project promptly.
3) Fossil fuels release harmful byproducts into the air when they’re burned to create energy. And beyond that, they’re a declining resource. Solar power, on the other hand, is a renewable energy source that can help minimize the use of fossil fuels and lessen the impact on the environment. If making green, sustainable energy choices around your home is important to you, take advantage of the benefits of solar energy to the environment.


Looking for a roof that not only protects your home from the elements but also generates clean energy? Look no further than Timberline Solar™!

With its sleek and uniform lines, this innovative roofing system is designed to seamlessly blend in with your home’s existing aesthetic.

SHS is proud to be one of the few GAF-certified installers of Timberline Solar in the Carolinas!  Contact us today to learn more.

SUNPOWER Authorized Dealer

For the sleek beauty of traditional roof mounted solar panels, SHS proudly offers SUNPOWER products.  

Our SunPower Equinox® system with SunVault™ Storage is the all-in-one solution for your home’s energy needs. With record-breaking solar panel efficiency and seamless energy storage, every component is designed to work together perfectly. Plus, our monitoring system allows you to track your energy usage and production in real-time. 

Say goodbye to piecemeal systems and hello to reliable, clean energy with our complete home solar and storage solution.

Ready to take the leap into solar and start saving big? Good news: you can take advantage of the 30% Federal Tax Credit on your solar project!

At SHS, we make it easy to get started with solar. Our team of experts will work with you to design a custom solar system that meets your energy needs and fits your budget. And with the Federal Tax Credit, you can save even more on your solar installation.